Modern Japanese Ceramics Pottery Contemporary
By Appointment is best. You might get lucky just popping by, but a great deal of the month I am out visiting artists or scouring up new items, so days in the gallery are limited.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1222718 (stock #683)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Charred glaze runs in rivulets, blasted around the sides of this Kamahen Bizen vase by Yamamoto Izuru enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The vessel is 10 inches (25.5 cm) tall, roughly 5 inches (13 cm) diameter and in excellent condition.
Yamamoto Izuru was born into the family of famous potter Yamamoto Toshu in 1944. He graduated the sculpture division of Musashino University, then went on to Paris for another two years of sculpting before returning to Bizen to apprentice under his father in plastic arts in 1970. He set out on his own path in 1975, establishing his own kiln. In 1980 he was prized at the Nihon Dento Kogeiten National Traditional Crafts Exhibition. His recognition grew in the eighties, being prized at both the Chunichi Kokusai Ceramics Exhibition and having a piece displayed at the Smithsonian and V&A in 1983, then garnering the Kaneshige Toyo prize in 1985, and subsequently acquired by the Brooklyn Museum of Art in 1987. In 1995 he built a kiln in Bourgogne France, working with clays from both regions, and this piece is from that period, dating circa 2,000. He has also been the winner of the 19th grand prize at the Tanabe Museum Modern Tea Forms Exhibition and was given the Cultural Award by Okayama Prefecture in 1997. He was named an intangible cultural property of Okayama Prefecture in 2012.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1336430 (stock #973)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Ash encrusts one side of this flattened Signature form by Shigaraki Legend Furutani Michio enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Opposite is rich red terracotta and in between rivers of molten green glass. It is 45 cm (17-1/2 inches) diameter, and weighs 14 kg (30 pounds) plus the thick Kiri-wood box. This belongs in a museum of contemporary Japanese pottery.
Furutani Michio is one of the Gods of Shigaraki, an artist who wrote the book on Anagama kilns, and one of the more influential artists of the second half of the 20th century. He was born in Shigaraki; graduating the Konan High School of industrial Arts, he moved to further his studies (like so many great artist before him, Kanjiro, Hamada…) at the Kyoto Institute of Industrial Arts in 1964. After breaking out on his own, he started by building an Anagama in Shigaraki in 1970, the first since the middle ages. He was a true pioneer, reviving the tradition and going on to build over thirty kilns over the next thirty years. No other artist has shown such singular dedication to a firing technique. He has been featured in the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (Japanese Traditional Crafts Exhibition), Nihon Togei Ten (Japanese Ceramic Exhibition) and the Chunichi Kokusai Togei Ten among others. He passed away at the peak of his career. For more on this artists contributions see his book Anagama – Building Kilns and Firing.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1456038 (stock #1862)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Wow! This is quite a tsubo by revivalist Takahashi Shunsai enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shigaraki Kama Hana Tsubo. A wack of ash blasts the shoulder over raw shiseki studded terracotta clay scorched the color of bricks. Fired on its side, opposite is charred and covered in molten ash where it had been buried in the embers. This is truly a classic Shigaraki work down to the belt of cross hatches at the shoulder and two stage mouth. It is 26 cm (10 inches) tall, roughly the same diameter and in excellent condition.
Born in 1927, the second son of renowned potter Takahashi Rakusai III in Shigaraki, Takahashi Shunsai left home to study under Taniguchi Ryosai in Kyoto before returning to Shigaraki to pursue his studies of Shigaraki styles specifically under his father and spent the better part of two decades working from that studio. He established his own kiln in 1968. He has been displayed at the Nitten, Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition), Nihon Togei ten (National Ceramics Exhibition), Asahi Ceramics Exhibition, as well as a long list of private exhibitions at Japan’s top galleries. He has been often prized as a master of Shigaraki, and has been designated a Shiga Prefectural Intangible Cultural Property (Living Treasure) in 1995. This is possibly more important than the Living National Treasure designation, imbued as that selection is with rank and politic. The Prefectural version is truly representative of one’s merits as an artist and achievement.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #662899 (stock #123)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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An igneous Shigaraki hana-ire by the innovative young Mushin-Gama potter Kowari Tetsuya enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The vase is 6-1/2 inches (16.5 cm) tall, 4-3/4 inches (12 cm) diameter at the bottom. It is in perfect condition. Tetsuya was born in Fuji-city Shizuoka in 1970, and graduated the prestigious Meiji University. He has apprenticed under a number of teachers, taking a bit from each without allowing their direction to overpower his own personal style. He works in Shigaraki, Bizen and Shino wares. The artist has been displayed at the Nihon Togei Ten National Ceramics Exhibition, as well as the prestigious Nitten consistently.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1374899 (stock #1194)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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An incredible organic form, the delicate petals appearing to waft in some tide by Shingu Sayaka enclosed in the original signed wooden box. A closed bud on the side is lined with hundreds of tiny sharp needles in black. It is 6 x 5 x 4 inches (15 x 13 x 10 cm) and in excellent condition.
Shingu Sayaka was born in Osaka, the industrial and commercial heartland of central Japan, in 1979. She graduated the Osaka University of Arts in 2001, before being selected as an artist in residence at the The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park. She exhibits her amazing sculptures at the Asahi Togeiten where she has garnered a number of awards, and has a list of exhibitions to back up her popularity.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1138414 (stock #484)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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The edges burn dark brown on this large Bizen vase by Kawabata Fumio enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Green ash clings to the upper surface, peeling away from the superheated corners, the bottom rich dark raw clay. The vase is (‘29 x 21 x 36 cm) tall and in excellent condition.
Fumio was born in Yokohama city in 1948, far from the traditional kilns of Bizen hundreds of kilometers to the west in Okayama. After studying graphic design he was captivated by the natural landscapes presented by Bizen wares, and in 1974 moved to study pottery at the Ibu-no Kamamoto. His talent was spotted quickly and he was taken in by Kaneshige Riuemon where he was schooled in the gamut of traditional forms and styles. By 1984 he was considered a master potter, and moved to establish his own kiln. Concentrating largely on the personal world of private exhibitions, in 1989 he was given top prize at the Tanabe Museum Cha no Yu Zokei Ten (Sculptural Forms in Tea exhibition), and again was awarded there in 1994 as well as receiving the Okayama Prefectural Governors prize and has been prized at the National Ceramics Biennnale.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1442542 (stock #1683)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A swollen sail shape in graduations of color by Miyashita Zenji enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kaze no Deban (Cue the Wind, or Wind in the Sails, if you like). It is 20 x 21 x 28 cm (8x 8-1/2 x 11 inches) and in excellent condition. It retains the original Shifuku and Shiori.
Miyashita Zenji (1939-2012) was born into the family of potter Miyashita Zenju, and graduated the Kyoto Municipal University of Art under Kiyomizu Kyubei and Kusube Yaichi. Starting with the most difficult, he worked from Celadon, which relies on shape and extreme control of firing. He began exhibiting in the annual Nitten exhibitions in 1964, eventually winning eighteen prizes. According to the Sackler, which holds 6 works by him, “ His mature work was a modern embodiment of a classic Kyoto mode associated with the Heian period (794–1185). He applied delicate layers of color—reminiscent of multilayered court robes or decorated papers made for inscribing poetry—using not over-glaze enamels or glazes but clay itself, dyed with mineral pigments”. He is held in the aforementioned Freer-Sackler, the British Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, and the Brooklyn Museum the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and of course the National Museums of Modern Art both in Kyoto and Tokyo among a host of others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #974831 (stock #379)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A slight deviation from the norm, here is a scroll depicting the character Tsubo by Shigaraki artist Koie Ryoji in liquid strokes, the outer lines dissipating into the paper canvas. Ink on paper in a dark cloth border and unusual metal glazed ceramic rollers. It measures 19 1/2 by 42 inches (49, 5 x 107 cm) and is in fine condition.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1445495 (stock #1732)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Rivulets of ash dribble down the red earth sides of this vase by Nishiura Takeshi enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Echizen Henko. Positioning in the kiln, with one shoulder angled toward the flame, ensure the lip and one rounded corner are charred in that distinct ocher inidicative of the region. Elsewhere the ash is molten green. A great example of this lesser known ancient kiln site. The vessel is 18 x 13 x 17.5 cm (7-1/2 x 5 x 7-1/2 inches) and is in excellent condition.
Nishiura Takeshi was born in Fukui prefecture in 1941, and graduated the Law Depratment of the prestigious Tokyo University in 1965. A decade later, he did an about face and began to follow the path of the potter establishing his first kiln in Echizen in 1975. Later he created a traditional Ana-gama kiln in 1982, where he works with his wife Nakazawa Yoko. He has concentrated on private exhibition, and is one of the few contemporary potters (and my personal favorite) making waves in the world of Echizen.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1449540 (stock #1771)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Wow I need that! is all I could say the first time I saw this piece by Furutani Taketoshi while visiting the Churokuen Kiln early this year. The tendrils of natural ash glaze wrap around the simplified form like the roots of some ancient Shinboku (God Tree). It is unpretentious, but stands out clearly as a masterpiece by this very talented young potter. It comes enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shigaraki Shizen Yu Yohen Hanaire (Shigaraki Natural Ash Glazed Kiln Altered Vase). The vessel is 16 cm (6-1/4 inches) diameter, 25.5 cm (10 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Furutani Taketoshi was born the son of master craftsman Furutani Hirofumi in 1974, graduating the Shigaraki Industrial High School Ceramics department in 1992 before entering the Shiga prefectural Ceramics Research Facility studying wheel technique, graduating the following year. He then did a year apprenticeship at a pottery before re-entering for a second course at the Research Facility, graduating in 1995. From that year he returned to the family kiln, receiving the family tradition from both his grandfather Furutani Churoku and father Furutani Hirofumi. Subverting the self, he makes simple, organic pots which have a timeless quality, very much rooted in the now, but paying homage to the traditions past down through the ages. He was named a Designated Traditional Craftsman (Dento Kogeishi) in 2013. He has exhibited with the Nihon Dento Kogeiten among others, and still works closely with his father at the family kiln.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1420918 (stock #1471)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Exquisite kiln effects mark this Ujoyaki Tsubo by Imai Rikei from Aomori Prefecture enclosed in the original signed wooden box named Zuiha (Swirling wave). It is 33 cm tall, 29 cm diameter and in excellent condition. Imai Rikei was born in Aomori Prefecture in 1947, and fires in the Ujoykai traditional manner making use of the worlds longest climbing kiln (guiness book of world records, 103 meters long, you can see it on youtube). He has received a number of awards and exhibited with the Asahi Ceramics Exhibition (Asahi Togeiten) among others. He is the most important artist in this lesser known Northern tradition of Japanese pottery.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1427545 (stock #1522)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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I find this piece captivating, the golden thorns rupturing the rough and blank matte white clay. When I asked the artist about his concept, he explained the clay body is the individual formed by self-image, societal pressure, ego, all the things which constrict our actions and channel our emotions. The thorns are the true inner self bursting out of the surface, irrepressible, they pierce the shell and shine like the sun. Though the visible surface may be flat, rough-hewn, colorful, torn, matte, dark, muddled, the inner self is always golden. In this case, the inner form of glazed clay is covered in pallet-loads of matte raw porcelain, and with the different cooling temperatures, that has cracked and fissured, accentuating the golden thorns rupturing through the surface. It is 14 cm tall (6 inches) and in new condition, directly from the artist this spring enclosed in the original signed wooden box.
Masatomo Toi was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1992, and graduated the Design course at the Tajimi Ceramics Research Facility in 2019. Since he has been developing his series “Thorny” while preparing for a year in Australia (which has been put on hold like all of our lives due to the virus).
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #979657 (stock #388)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Striking black flashes of oil-spot glaze surface on this Tetsu-yu Tessai Tsubo by Shimizu Yasutaka enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The speckeled Rust red-orange body is like looking on fire or smoldering coals from a distance. The pot is 14 inches (35 cm) tall, 12 inches (30 cm) diameter and in fine condition, purchased at the Mitsukoshi Department Store Gallery Exhibition in 2006. Yasutaka was born into the pottery household of future Living National Treasure Shimizu Uichi in 1947. Although always involved in pottery, he began his official apprenticeship in the plastic arts under his fathers tutelage after graduating Ryukoku University in 1971. One year later his first piece was accepted in National competition at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogeiten). The following year he was awarded the first of many awards at the second Kinki Area Nnihon Kogei Kai Exhibition. In 1975 he was accepted into theNihon Togei Ten (National Ceramics Exhibition). He has a constant following in the world of Private exhibitions, and his work is held by Kyoto Prefecture.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1466360 (stock #YOKO33)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Earth tones mix with rivulets of copper green emboldened with flashes of jet black on this vase by Shigemori Yoko enclosed in a signed wooden box titled Oribe Tetsuki Kabin (Oribe Vase with Handle). The green is almost liquid, and gives the impression if you look away it will change. The blacks are solid and brisk, obviously performed spur of the moment and to wondrous effect. The vase is 26 cm (10-1/4 inches) tall and in excellent condition. It comes in a box annotated by her brother.
Shigemori Yoko (1953-2021) was born in Kagoshima. Yoko came to Kyoto where she initially studied painting at the Kyoto Tankidai Art College, then moved to ceramics at the Kyoto Municipal Art University where she studied traditional pottery techniques under Kondo Yutaka before entering advanced courses under Yagi Kazuo, graduating in 1979. Her first solo exhibitions were held while still a student, at Gallery Iteza in Kyoto. She eschewed the world of competitive exhibitions in favor of the intimacy of private galleries, and her list of solo exhibitions is expansive. She received the Yagi Kazuo prize in 1986 and 1988 at the Nihon Gendai Togeiten. She was one of five artists featured in Toh, volume 76, The first issue dedicated to Kyoto Potters. Toh was at the time the most in depth survey of important contemporary potters published in 1993. Her work is held in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1460646 (stock #1890)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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An artist whose bold creations work well in a Western setting, here is a seminal piece just in time for the season decorated with dark iron branches laden with silver blossoms by Miyake Yoji enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Ginsai Sakura Mon Henko. Here the artist has set the oxidized silver flowers and dark tree silhouettes on a ground of rusty yellow, an intriguing combination. It is 57.5 x 13 x 30.5 cm (23 x 5 x 12 inches) and is in excellent condition. This is a masterpiece, and at almost two feet long sure to garner a great deal of attention.
Due to size the cost of shipping will be accrued separately.
Miyake Yoji was born in Shimane in 1950, He studied from 1974 under Ito Kosho, establishing himself as an independent artist three years later in Mashiko. In 1979 his work was accepted into the Dento Kogei Shinsaku Ten (New Exhibition of Traditional Crafts) and displayed there annually thereafter. In 1980 he was accepted into the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition), and many times thereafter. Again the following year he was accepted into yet another major exhibition with the Nihon Togei Ten (All Japan Ceramic Exhibition), once again followed up with repeated acceptance there. Yet in the 90s he turned away from the competitive world and began to concentrate more on private exhibitions, of which he has been hosted many times in some of Japans most prestigious galleries. He was also the subject of an NHK Television Documentary in 1998 and appeared in another in 2000.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1443149 (stock #1694)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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The organic shapes of Kakurezaki Ryuichi have always been fascinating, less formed by the potters hands and more as if they dripped from the kiln roof, solidifying in the conflagration. This vase, covered in flying ash, is a perfect example of that, it even now appears to be withering in the heat. It comes enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Yohen Kaki or kiln altered vase and retains the original shifuku and shiori. The vessel is 17 x 21 x 23 cm (7 x 8 x 9 inches) and is in excellent condition.
It is likely that Ryuichi needs no introduction, one of the most well known of Bizen potters, he is interestingly originally not from Bizen but far off Nagasaki, which seems to have gifted him with the ability to see the clays potential beyond conventional form. He graduated the Osaka University of Fine Arts, then enjoyed a long apprenticeship under Bizen Living National Treasure Isezaki Jun before opening his own kiln in 1986. Combining traditional technique with modern architectural form, He was recipient of the Japan Ceramics Society Award, Grand Prize at the Fifth Contemporary Tea Ceremony Utensils Exhibition, Tanabe Museum and has a list of public and private exhibitions which go beyond this brief add, including a showing in New York this year. His works are held in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum of London, National Ceramic Museum of France and the Tanabe Museum among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1470025 (stock #MC065)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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An iconic Shigaraki vase by Otani Shiro enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shigaraki Henko which epitomizes the artists philosophy of relying on the purity of clay, form, and natural colors born from the conflagration over overt decorative techniques. Here dark colors scorch the base where it was buried in the embers, while pale thin ash dusts the austere terracotta clay blasted over the shoulders with a rich coat of ocher ash. It is 22 cm (9 inches) diameter, 25.5 cm (10 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Otani Shiro was born in Shigaraki in 1936 and graduated the Prefectural School in the ceramics department in 1956, which he followed up with 4 years studying decorating techniques under Morioka Yutaro. He then moved to Kyoto where he studied at the Municipal Ceramics Research Facility, where he trained under Kiyomizu Kyubei, Shofu Eichi and Uchida Kunio before returning to Shigaraki to yet further his studies in design. He garnered his first award at the Shiga Prefectural Art Exhibition in 1962, as well as the Governor’s prize at the National Rodosha Bijutsu-Ten Exhibition. He took a position with an industrial kiln in Shigaraki in 1963, and began potting in his free time, exhibiting and being awarded at the Asahi Togeiten among others. In 1968, he left his position at the kiln, and in 1969 was first accepted into the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogeiten). In 1973 he established his own kilns in Shigaraki, both an Anagama submerged kiln and a climbing kiln, and began learning from future Living National Treasure Shimizu Uichi. From there he participated in the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National crafts Exhibition) as well as innumerable private exhibitions both domestic and International, and was named an Intangible Cultural Asset of Shigaraki in 1990. His work is held in The Museum of Art in Atlanta, The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Fogg Art Gallery of Harvard as well as the Morikami Museum and Smithsonian among others. For an in depth look at this potter see the article by Rob Barnard in Ceramics Monthly volume 39 (Summer 1991).
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1468885 (stock #MC035)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A fabulous Shigaraki Tsubo of austere form blasted with natural ash glaze by Otani Shiro enclosed in the original signed wooden box. A classic work it is 20 cm (8 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
Otani Shiro was born in Shigaraki in 1936 and graduated the Prefectural School in the ceramics department in 1956, which he followed up with 4 years studying decorating techniques under Morioka Yutaro. He then moved to Kyoto where he studied at the Municipal Ceramics Research Facility, where he trained under Kiyomizu Kyubei, Shofu Eichi and Uchida Kunio before returning to Shigaraki to yet further his studies in design. He garnered his first award at the Shiga Prefectural Art Exhibition in 1962, as well as the Governor’s prize at the National Rodosha Bijutsu-Ten Exhibition. He took a position with an industrial kiln in Shigaraki in 1963, and began potting in his free time, exhibiting and being awarded at the Asahi Togeiten among others. In 1968, he left his position at the kiln, and in 1969 was first accepted into the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogeiten). In 1973 he established his own kilns in Shigaraki, both an Anagama submerged kiln and a climbing kiln, and began learning from future Living National Treasure Shimizu Uichi. From there he participated in the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National crafts Exhibition) as well as innumerable private exhibitions both domestic and International, and was named an Intangible Cultural Asset of Shigaraki in 1990. His work is held in The Museum of Art in Atlanta, The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Fogg Art Gallery of Harvard as well as the Morikami Museum and Smithsonian among others. For an in depth look at this potter see the article by Rob Barnard in Ceramics Monthly volume 39 (Summer 1991).
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1319094 (stock #919)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Hi-dasuki lines of red charring streak like the Nazca Lines across the surface of this large Tokkuri Vase by Isezaki Mitsuru enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The vase is 19 inches (48 cm) tall and in perfect condition. Due to size the cost of shipping made need to be accrued separately.
Isezaki Mitsuru (b. 1934) was born to a family of potters, his father Yozan and brother Jun both very important in Bizen pottery. In 1998 Mitsuru was named a Prefectural Intangible Cultural Property for Okayama (the prefectural version of a living National Treasure, likely more important as it is truly based on the artists contributions rather than heredity). He has innumerable exhibitions, including the Nihon Togei-Ten (National Ceramics Exhibition) Nihon Dento Kogei-Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition) and Gendai Togei Ten (Modern Japanese Ceramics Exhibition). In fact his first piece exhibited with the First National Ceramic Exhibition was selected for display in a show which went around the globe. Recipient of the Kaneshige Toyo prize as well as purchased by the Japanese Foreign service as gift to foreign dignitaries.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1472327 (stock #MC096)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A mesh of copper draperies hang over the dark black of this unusually shaped Tsubo by Tenmoku specialist Kimura Moriyasu enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shoju Tenmoku Henko. Shoju Tenmoku, literally Pine-Needle-Tenmoku, is a glaze technique where the effect joins in a mesh like pine needles overlapping, very difficult to pull off, but here Moriyasu has done it masterfully. The vessel is 30.5 cm (12 inches) tall, 19 x 16 cm (7-1/2 x 6 inches) and is in excellent condition.
Born into the Kimura family in Kyoto in 1935 the youngest of four children, it was only natural for Moriyasu to move into ceramics, following and training under his brother Morikazu and learning decorating techniques from his father. It was in 1959 (at the age of 24) when Moriyasu gained National attention as he was selected as one of the participants at the Modern Ceramics of Japan exhibition at the National Museum of Art. Into the 60s he began exhibition with the Nihon Dento Kogeiten National Traditional Crafts Exhibition. It was when viewing a National Treasure Tsubo in the Atake collection that he was moved to express himself solely through the perfection of Tenmoku oil spot glazes. He is held in several important public collections, including the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas and Houston Museums, Peabody Essex Museum, National Palace Museum Taiwan, as well as the collection of Ise Shrine.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1457098 (stock #1866)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A lot of drama in this crispy glazed tsubo deeply scored by the artists fingers, the trailing divets filled with running ash glaze by Murakoshi Takuma, two deep punctures in the side where it sank into the kiln supports, and a large artist performed gold repair where it had adhered to the kiln floor. The gold glimmers from the darkest part of the vessel, where it was charred black from laying in the embers. The fingerlets of flowing ash all circle the body, seeming to point out the flaw, accentuating the character. So raw, it speaks of another world, untamed. It is 37 cm (14-1/2 inches) tall, 33 cm (13 inches) diameter and in excellent condition. It comes with a wooden placard signed by the artist and titled Yakishime Hakkin-sai Otsubo (Unglazed Lage Tsubo with Gold).
Murakoshi Takuma is one of those enigmas who simply lives to work with clay. He does not seek to make a living through pottery, but through his primal approach has earned a following which keeps his work in high demand. He was born in Aichi prefecture in 1954 and began his stroll down the pottery path in 1980 under the tutelage of Kyoto potter Umehara Takehira. Favoring very rough Shigaraki glaze, he established his own kiln in 1997 in the Kiyomizu pottery district of Kyoto, then moved to Nagaoka in 2002. Although eschewing the world of competitive exhibitions, he has been picked up by many of Japan’s preeminent galleries, including private exhibitions at the prestigious Kuroda Toen of Tokyo’s Ginza District.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1432220 (stock #1584)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Pale jade spots dot the incised surface of this unusual vase by Nagae Shigekazu enclosed in the original signed wooden box retaining the Shiori and Shifuku. The vase, if not for its distant, moon-like quality, has a very pop-art-presence, blending both the austerity of Japanese traditional aesthetics with contemporary art. Fun and moving; a haunting pleasure. It is 14 inches (35.5 cm) tall, 5 inches (13 cm) square at the base, 7 inches (19 cm) wide at the rim and in excellent condition.
Nagae Shigekazu (b. 1953) graduated the Seto Industrial School of Ceramics in 1974 Beginning to grab attention in the late 70s, he has striven to perfect porcelain casting techniques, creating one-off shapes and forms previously impossible. He is held in the collection of the V&A (London), LACMA (Los Angeles) and the National Gallery of Australia, Cincinnati and Cleveland Art Museums, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Japan Foundation and many many others. With very low output, this is a rare opportunity to join the worlds top museum collections by acquiring this artist.
According to Ceramics Now Magazine: Nagae Shigekazu (born in 1953), is one of the leading pioneers of porcelain casting and firing techniques in Japan. Casting is commonly associated with the mass production of porcelain, yet Nagae valiantly transcends this stereotype, ultimately elevating this technique to the avant-garde. Casting alone cannot achieve the natural movements found within Nagae’s forms. His popularity and recognition as an artist have skyrocketed, with acquisitions by the V&A in London, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the National Gallery of Australia in just the past 3 years. Also collected by leading institutions such as the Musée National de Ceramique-Sèvres in Paris and the Musée Ariana in Geneva, among others, as well as receiving prestigious awards such as the Grand Prixs at the 1998 Triennale de la Porcelain in Nyon, the Mino Ceramic Festival and the Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition (both 1997), Nagae’s stature and respect in the world of porcelain has reached new heights.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1287903 (stock #820)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Lines of burnt straw scar the surface of this voluminous work by Yamamoto Yuichi enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is 17-1/2 inches (45 cm) tall, 9 x 10 inches (23 x 25.5 cm) at the base and in excellent condition.
Born the son of Living National Treasure Yamamoto Toshu, Yuichi was raised among the clay and kilns of Bizen, at a vital time when Bizen was devastated by the war economy, and the dramatic years of growth and research following. He began making pottery in 1959, at a time when artists were both working to revive old traditions and styles, and yet invoking new forms and sculptural techniques on their work. He travelled extensively, incorporating foreign influences into his body of work. He has exhibited with the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Nihon Togei Ten National Pottery Exhibition, as well as a plethora of private and public galleries both domestic and abroad. He received the Kaneshige Toyo pottery award in 1976. He was also awarded Grand Prize at the Tanabe Museum Modern Forms in Tea Ceremony Exhibition in 1996. Works by the artist are held in the French National Ceramics Museum, and the collection of the Imperial Household among others
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1469256 (stock #MC119)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Dragonflies alight on autumn grasses and bush clover forming the perfect seasonal connotation under an engorged white moon on this pair of mouse-colored (Nezumi) vases by Shino legend Wakao Toshisada enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Nezumi Shino So-heki. Together they are 29 cm (11-1/2 inches) long, 18 cm (7 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Wakao Toshisada was born in Tajimi, Gifu prefecture, home of Mino pottery, in 1933. He was first recognized at the New Crafts exhibition of 1960, the same year he was first exhibited at the Central Japan Art Exhibition. Three years later he made his debut at the Asahi Ceramics Exhibition, following in 1965 with the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition. In 1971 he first exhibited with the Nihon Togeiten (All Japan Ceramics Exhibition) and was awarded the following year the New Mino Artists Prize, gathering acclaim as a leader in the field. After many domestic and International exhibits, he was awarded the Kato Kohei prize in 1986. and was recipient of the prestigious Japan Ceramics Society (JCS) Award in 1989. He was named an intangible cultural asset of Tajimi city in 1995, and of Gifu Prefecture in 2003, and works by the artist are held in the Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, V&A, Freer Gallery and Sackler among many others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1404273 (stock #1347)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Celadon is all about form, and here Yagi Akira has nailed it with this expertly executed elegant shape composed of 2 interlocking pieces covered in green celadon glaze and enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kakushaku (literally horn scoop). It is 4-3/4 inches (14.5 cm) tall and in excellent condition.
This name is a must have in any collection of modern Japanese Pottery. Akira was born in Kyoto in 1955, son of avant garde Yagi Kazuo (1918-1979) one of the founding members of Sodeisha. Akira was voted one of the 20 most important living artists by Honoho, Japans premier printed ceramic forum. Works by the artist are held in the British Museum, Victoria Albert Museum, Cleveland Art Museum, Sackler Gallery of the Smithsonian and Tokyo Muesum of Modern Art among many others. He was also the recipient of the Japan Ceramic Society (JCS) award in 1998, one in a long and prestigious list of awards.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1469684 (stock #MC045)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Gold nuggets gleam on the deep lavender and black surface of this natural-formation by Inayoshi Osamu enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kurinuki Kinsai Kaki. Kinsai is literally gold color, and here the artist has embedded gold into the surface, allowing it to expand and bubble out in the heat of the firing process. The effect of this on the dark matt surface is both striking and original. Kurinuki is the technique of digging a form out of a block of clay. It is 18-1/2 inches (47 cm) tall and in excellent condition.
Inayoshi Osamu was born in Aichi prefecture, the heart of Mino country, in 1976. He completed his initial training in the plastic arts at the Seto Pottery School in 2002, garnering an award that same year at the 56th Seto City Art Exhibition. In 2007 he established his own kiln in Toyohashi, and was awarded at the 19th Heart of Oribe Pottery exhibition (again the following year). In 2008 he began to focus on the Atsumi pottery of the Heian and Kamakura periods, building up a unique repertoire. After several more domestic shows and prizes, he had his overseas debut in 2010, and has since received a great deal of attention both at home and abroad.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #727167 (stock #194)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Birds flit playfully in the rich foliage of a fiery maple on the front of this flattened ovoid vase by Nakamura Toshito enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The odd triangular opening is perfect for flower arrangement, offering place for larger branches to rest in the corners. The ovoid form appears to be hand formed, the clay raked and covered in white with hand-painted scenery in enamel over. The vase is roughly 8 inches (20 cm) tall and in perfect condition. Toshito was simultaneously accepted into both the 7th Traditional Kutani Exhibition and the 37th SoZo-Ten Creative Design Exhibition in 1984, and has consistently displayed with them since, prized the following year in the SoZo-Ten. That same year he also received the governor’s prize at the 40th Kutani Sangyo Design Concool, and in 1990 was awarded the Hokuka-Sho at the SoZo-Ten. HE stayed within the Kutani area until the mid 90s, concentrating on his teaching position at the Ishikawa prefectural Ceramic Research Facility and building a reputation through area exhibitions of great rapport. With that base firmly established he was accepted into the National Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition in 1997, and has consitently displayed with that prestigious show, while not neglecting the Traditional Kutani Exhibitions at which he has been often awarded. This piece is nearly contemporary, dating to within the last five years.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1264927 (stock #648)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Ash runs in glassy rivulets down the sand textured sides of this large work by Tsuboshima Dohei enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The undulating rim calls to mind ancient firing traditions, the intense heat of the kiln warping the forms as they turn near molten. This exceptional piece is roughly 10 inches (24.5 cm) tall, 11 inches (28 cm) diameter and is in excellent condition. Born in Osaka, 1929, Dohei apprenticed under the eclectic Kawakita Handeishi immediately following World War II, becoming his top pupil, and eventually taking over the kiln in Tsu, Mie prefecture following the death of Handeishi in 1963. Handeishi was a unique bump on the Japanese ceramic landscape, a powerful businessman who took pottery as a hobby, much along the lines of earlier artist Nakamura Shuto, contemporary Kitaoji Rosanjin and Deguchi Wanisaburo. Dohei began large singular exhibitions of his own work in 1967, both in Osaka and Tokyo, and the following year in Yokohama. He continued these beyond his 30 year retrospective held in 1995, adding Nagoya to his list of sites in 2000. His philosophy has been to preserve the dignity of his teacher by both maintaining strong ties with other students of the master, and eschewing the world of large or mass exhibition. Works by the artist are held in the Mie Prefectural Art Museum among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1211913 (stock #651)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A powerful Chossen-Karatsu mimitsuki hanaire flower vase by Nakagawa Jinembo (Jinenbo b. 1953) enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Licks of blue fire rim the blast of pale white covering the upper reaches of the dark earth. The shape is hammered and beaten by the flame, shinshoku wear from the extreme heat beginning to degrade the lip. It is 8-1/2 inches (22 cm) tall, 5-1/2 inches (14 cm) diameter and in excellent condition. A rare opportunity to acquire a masterpiece by this highly sought artist.
Jinembo was always fascinated with Karatsu ware, and studied under the great Inoue Toya from the age of 24. Several years later he returned to his hometown to establish a climbing kiln of his own, which he put to great use. From there, not satisfied with his own work skills, he went to Tanaka Sajiro for an additional apprenticeship. Since he has, as many Chajin artists, concentrated on private exhibitions as an outlet for his work, shunning the world of mass competition and retail, making his work both highly valuaed and hard to find.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1462884 (stock #1921)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Delicate pink and blue fan-shapes like the scales on some iridescent tropical fish or feathers on an exotic bird rise in an overlapping pattern to form this open flower receptacle by Kusaba Yuji enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Neriage is well known in Northern Japan thanks to living National Teasure Matsui Kosei who worked in colored clay, however it is unheard of in Southern Japan, and in this case, made of colored porcelain. The vessel is 17 cm (6-1/4 inches) diameter, 20.5 cm (8 inches) tall and in perfect condition, from the artist late last year. You may recall seeing a photo of it on Instagram from when we visited the artist at that time. It has, like much we acquired then, been sitting in its box on a shelf while we remodeled the new gallery space waiting to be unveiled!
Kusaba Yuji was born in Arita, the heartland of Japanese porcelain, in 1955, and graduated the prestigious Nihon Daigaku in 1979. He returned to the family kiln in 1984, to apprentice under his father, diverging from ordinary porcelain production, he chose to attempt the unexplored techniques of Neriage colored clay in porcelain. His work was first exhibited in 1990 at the Nagasaki Togeiten, where he received the Governors prize. Since he has been accepted into or awarded at The Nihon Togeiten National Ceramics Exhibition, Dento Kogeiten Traditional Ceramics Exhibition Saga Kenten Prefectural Exhibition and Asahi Crafts Exhibition among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1262064 (stock #746)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Waves of color belt this unusual form by Usui Kazunari enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is 20 inches (50 cm) tall, roughly 8 inches (20 cm) diameter and in fine condition.
Usui Kazunari was born in Seto city, Aichi in 1954, and graduated the Nagoya University of Art, sculpture division in 1977. He immediately apprenticed under Kato Shuntei, where he remained until establishing his own kiln in 1983. He has been often displayed at the Nihon Dento Kogeiten and Nihon Togeiten. In 1996 one of his works was chosen to travel overseas with the Contemporary KŌGEI Styles in Japan Exhibition (Gendai Nihon no Kogei Ten). He has received many awards, including top prize at the Tokai Dento Kogeiten (twice).
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1167433 (stock #545)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Enigmatic forms in black populate the oil spotted rust-colored body of this voluminous work by Shimizu Yasutaka enclosed in the original signed wooden box displayed at the 35th Nihon Kogei Kai Shinsaku Togei Ten (Japan Crafts Association Exhibition of New Ceramic Works) and published on page 8 of the catalog for that year (2007, catalog included). The vessel is 14-1/2 inches (37 cm) tall, roughly 1 foot (29 cm) diameter and in fine condition.
Yasutaka was born into the pottery household of future Living National Treasure Shimizu Uichi in 1947. Although always involved in pottery, he began his official apprenticeship in the plastic arts under his father’s tutelage after graduating Ryukoku University in 1971. One year later his first piece was accepted in National competition at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogeiten). The following year he was awarded the first of many awards at the second Kinki Area Nihon Kogei Kai Exhibition. In 1975 he was accepted into the Nihon Togei Ten (National Ceramics Exhibition). He has a constant following in the world of Private exhibitions, and his work is held by Kyoto Prefecture. Due to size the cost of shipping will be assessed separately from the list price.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1428110 (stock #1526)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A vibrant double vase covered in signature naïve designs by Yamashita Moe enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Morinoyoru (Night in the forest). It is 12 x 24.5 x 27 cm (5 x 10 x 11 inches) and is in excellent condition. Her work is filled with joie de vie, and one cannot escape a smile when viewing it. Even the box is painted with a bright green silhouette of the vase, titled and signed in pink!
Yamashita Moe graduated the Kyoto Zokei University of Art in 2004. Her work has been accepted into a number of important Expositions including the Asahi Modern Craft Exhibition and the Rimpa Forever exhibition held at the Museum of Kyoto. She has nearly a dozen solo exhibitions, quite surprising for a young artist, and has participated in more than 30 group exhibitions. According to the artist, “I create works of organic form based on images of plants, creatures, and the scenery of my travels. I strive to make vessels that are fun and make the viewer happy.”
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1368569 (stock #1155)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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There is no doubt about the superlative nature of the deep celadon glazes used by Living National Treasure Nakajima Hiroshi, and this vessel is no let down. A creamy blue crackling glaze covers this artful form which comes enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled simply Seiji Tsubo. It is 10-1/2 inches (26.5 cm) tall, 5-1/2 inches (14 cm) diameter and is in excellent condition.
Nakajima Hiroshi was born in Hiroshima in 1941. He became an independent potter in 1969 in Yano, Saga Prefecture, choosing to specialize in one of the most challenging fields of Celadon ware. That same year he was first accepted into the Nihon Dento Kogeiten National Traditional Crafts Exhibition, and in 1977 he would be awarded for the first time at that prestigious venue. In 1981 he was awarded the Prime Ministers prize in the Nishi Nihon Togeiten (West Japan Ceramic Exhibition). This was followed two years later by the most prestigious Japan Ceramics Society award in 1982 (He would be awarded their gold prize in 2006). In 1985 he would travel to China to study pottery and excavate at ancient kiln sites. He was named an intangible cultural asset of Saga prefecture in 1990. After many more he would finally be named a Living National Treasure (Mukei Bunkazai) in 2007, and received the 65th West Japan Order of Cultural Merit.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1365965 (stock #1126)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A pottery box decorated in over-glaze enamels and precious metals by Kato Reikichi enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Sengiri Jikiro. It is a colorful and playful work a pleasure to look upon. It is 9-1/2 x 5-1/2 x 8 inches (24 x 14 x 20 cm) and is in excellent condition.
Kato Reikichi was born in 1953 the 22nd generation of an unbroken line of potters spanning back to the Keicho era in the Momoyama period. He graduated the art department of Tamagawa University and has since worked to expand his traditional repertoire with an emphasis on sculpture and experimentive glaze research. He has been exhibited and awarded at the Nitten on numerous occasions. He received several awards over the years at the Chunichi Kokusai Togeiten International Ceramic Exhibition, as well as the Asahi Togeiten, Nihon Shin Kogeiten National New Crafts Exhibition, and the Niko-kai Exhibition among many others. His work is held by the Seto City Museum, The Furukawa Museum The Nitten Kaikan and the Aichi Prefectural Ceramics Museum among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1451576 (stock #1804)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A Shigaraki vase by Furutani Kazuya enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shigaraki Konsei Hanaire. The Konsei blended clay creates a unique texture. The coloration on thi piece makes it stand apart from its contemporaries. Very unusual and striking combination of raw clay, orange, black and a few crystaline beads of green glazz around two white eyes. It is 29 cm (11-1/2 inches) tall, 15 cm (6 inches) diameter and in excellent condition, directly from the artist.
Furutani Kazuya was born the son of Anagama legend Furutani Michio in 1976. He graduated the Yamaguchi College of Art in 1997, and spent a year at the ceramics research facility in Kyoto before returning to work under his father in Shigaraki. His Father’s sudden death in 2000 pushed Kazuya to the fore, and left him with big shoes to fill. That he has done! Building three Anagama in the following decade and displaying with the National Ceramics Exhibition and a number of private affairs in some of Japan’s top venues.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1410803 (stock #1380)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A breathtaking work in perfect green porcelain glaze by Shimada Fumio enclosed in the original sined wooden box titled Seihakuji Budo-cho mon Tsubo (Celadon Tsubo Carved with Grape Designs). It was exhibited at the Shimada Fumio Sakuto 40 Shunen ten and Gendai Kogei Fujino Ten (2014). The vase is 20 cm (8 inches) diameter, the same height, and is in excellent condition.
Shimada Fumio is undoubtedly one of the greatest artists working in porcelain in Japan today. He was born in Tochigi prefecture in 1948, and his work was accepted into the 21st Nihon Dento Kogeiten National Crafts Exhibition the year before he graduated the Tokyo University of Arts Advanced Studies in 1975. That year his graduation project was purchased by the University Museum, and he was awarded at the 15th Dento Kogei Shinsaku Ten (New Traditional Crafts Exhibition). In 1983 his work was part of an exhibition at the Smithsonian and V&A. From 1985 e took a position at his alma matter. Among a plethora of awards and recognitions his work has been exhibited at the aforementioned plus the Nihon Togeiten National Ceramics Exhibition, among others , and has been seen overseas in the China-Japan-Korea International Ceramics Exhibition, Turkey, Germany, America and Mexico.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1353326 (stock #1031)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A pointed tower in burnt gray clay by Mihara Ken enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kaki. Here the artist has joined three slabs into an unconventional horn, slotted on one side to accept a flower. A single camellia blossom in rich red, a few green leaves against the gray body in the dark corner of a Tea Room would be incredible. It is 11 inches tall and in fine condition.
Mihara Ken was born in Shimane prefecture in 1958, and apprenticed under Funaki Kenji at the age of 23. He has been exhibited and or prized at the All Japan Ceramic Exhibition (Nihon Togei Ten), Asahi Ceramic Exhibition, the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogei Ten) as well as the Tanabe Museum Chanoyu no Zokei Ten (Modern tea forms Sculpture Exhibition). He has displayed in both Europe and America and is held in the permanent collection of the Tanabe Museum of Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art among many others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1468547 (stock #MC030)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A small bottle with ash draped from the shoulder like a traditional priest robe by Takeuchi Kimiaki enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Ko-tsubo. It is 10.5 cm (4 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Takeuchi Kimiaki (1948– 2011) was born in Tokoname and started learning wheel throwing when he was a middle school student. He met his mentor Ezaki Issei at the Tokoname Ceramic School when he was 16 years old. Along with Ezaki, he and Osako Mikio revitalized Tokoname ware following eh nearly lost ancient traditions using local mountain clay and ash glaze. He exhibited with and was awarded at the Asahi Togeiten, Chunichi International Ceramic Exhibition, Nihon Dento Kogeiten National Traditional Crafts Exhibition and Nihon Togeiten National Ceramic Art Exhibition among many others. He earned Grand Prize at the International Exhibition of Vallauris. While paying homage to tradition, he imbues his work with a chic contemporary ambiance. Work by him is held in the collections of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, The V&A in London, the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1233903 (stock #709)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A Heavy Slab-formed open rectangle of buff stoneware decorated with blanks of color “peeling” from the sides by Okada Kenzo enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kaku Tsubo. It measures 16 inches (40 cm) tall, 4-1/2 x 20 inches (12 x 51 cm) and weighs 16.5 kilograms (36 lbs) not including the box. It is in excellent condition. Due to size and weight the cost of shipping will be accrued separately. Okada Kenzo (b. 1948) is based physically in Mashiko but his work is based very much in the modern dimmension. He has exhibited at many domestic and international events including the Japan Traditional Art and Crafts exhibition, Chunichi International Ceramics Exhibition, and the Nihon Togeiten (National Pottery Exhibition), as well as Faenza International Ceramic Art exhibition and the 1993 Japan Society NY exhibition titled 'Modern Japanese Ceramics in American Collections. Work by him is held in the collection of the V&A, London among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1467443 (stock #YOKO)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A masterpiece of dark grey covered in thick brushstrokes of slip by Shigemori Yoko enclosed in a signed wooden box titled CUBE. Through the slip and into the surface has been scratched windows of lace and fishnet designs. Inside is rolling waves or fish scales. One side difers, with no decoration on the white slip inside, the surface divided into 4 separate cubes outside. It is 22 cm (9 inches) on all sides, and in excellent condition, enclosed in a wooden box signed by her brother Naoki.
Shigemori Yoko (1953-2021) was born in Kagoshima. Yoko came to Kyoto where she initially studied painting at the Kyoto Tankidai Art College, then moved to ceramics at the Kyoto Municipal Art University where she studied traditional pottery techniques under Kondo Yutaka before entering advanced courses under Yagi Kazuo, graduating in 1979. Her first solo exhibitions were held while still a student, at Gallery Iteza in Kyoto. She eschewed the world of competitive exhibitions in favor of the intimacy of private galleries, and her list of solo exhibitions is expansive. She received the Yagi Kazuo prize in 1986 and 1988 at the Nihon Gendai Togeiten. She was one of five artists featured in Toh, volume 76, The first issue dedicated to Kyoto Potters. Toh was at the time the most in depth survey of important contemporary potters published in 1993. Her work is held in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1199337 (stock #631)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A tower of geometric in silver and red by Kawano Eichi enclosed in the original signed wooden box. The pebble textured surface and straight lines of the side are juxtaposed by the irregular and angular patterns of silver, like the outline of stones leading to a temple cast in shadow across the sides. The vase is 13 inches (33.5 cm) tall, 4 inches (10 cm) square and in fine condition.
Eichi was born in Osaka, 1943, and was raised in the post-war era of huge change. He studied in the plastic arts under Kiyomizu Rokubei VI, and was certainly influenced by the movement towards modernism and sculpture in the 50s and 60s. This influence is evident here in this work, which lies between the modern world of sculpture and the traditional realm of function. From 1973 he began exhibiting with the Nitten National Exhibition, and was first exhibited at the National Modern Crafts Fair the following year. That same year (1974) he was awarded at the Kyoten Exhibition. He would be consistently awarded in years to come at the Kyoten and other Local and National exhibitions.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1454649 (stock #1842)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Dripping with gold, this artist really takes things to the extreme, challenging and yet incorporating something of the idea of Wabi into his outlandish works. Here is an exceptional (and rare) large tsubo by Ichikawa Toru enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It features a surface of raised white bumps like ray or sharkskin. The form is rough, more a natural growth than some plotted design. Brilliant gold flows over the textured white. It is quite overpowering, and would become central to any contemporary ceramic collection. The tsubo is 31 cm (12 inches) tall, 27 cm (10-1/2 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
Ichikawa Toru was born in Tokyo in 1973. In 2015 he established his current studio in Bizen after 4 years of apprenticeship under another Bizen Outsider, Kakurezaki Ryuichi. He has since developed quite a following, with his shows selling out often within hours.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1438008 (stock #1629)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A quintessential work showing the decorative aesthetic of Ichino Masahiko enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Senmonki (Lined Vessel). The square opening, thin and delicate, reminds me of the architectural grace of Ando Tadao. This is exactly what he is known for, and if you were going to have just one piece by Ichino-san, this might be just the thing to suit the bill. It is 26 cm (10-1/4 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
The youngest winner ever at the 13th National Ceramic Exhibition (Nihon Togeiten), Ichino Hiroyuki is a powerhouse in Tamba, bringing that long forgotten corner of Japan’s ceramic realm back into the limelight. He was born in Sasayama, heart of Tamba, in 1961, and studied in Kyoto under Imai Masayuki, and under his father Ichino Shinsui. He established his own kiln in 1988, and in 1995 caught the worlds attention with his work “Kai” at the 13th Nihon Togeiten. In 99 his work was selected for the Japanese Ceramic Exhibition Tour sponsored by the Japan Foundation, and that was the first of many overseas exhibits featuring his work. In 2006 he received the JCS award (Japan Ceramic Society prize), one of the most coveted in Japan, and in 2009 received the grand prize at the Tanabe Museum Modern forms in Tea Exhibition. He is held in the collection of the V&A, New Orleans Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum, Tanabe Museum and Japan Foundation among many others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1469956 (stock #MC059)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Grapes in gold lined ocher decorate this flaring cylinder the color of a cloudy sky by Miyake Yoji enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Nuki-e Kinsai Budomon Tsutsu. It is 30 cm (12 inches) tall, 16.5 cm (6-1/2 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
Miyake Yoji was born in Shimane in 1950, He studied from 1974 under Ito Kosho, establishing himself as an independent artist three years later in Mashiko. In 1979 his work was accepted into the Dento Kogei Shinsaku Ten (New Exhibition of Traditional Crafts) and displayed there annually thereafter. In 1980 he was accepted into the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition), and many times thereafter. Again the following year he was accepted into yet another major exhibition with the Nihon Togei Ten (All Japan Ceramic Exhibition), once again followed up with repeated acceptance there. Yet in the 90s he turned away from the competitive world and began to concentrate more on private exhibitions, of which he has been hosted many times in some of Japans most prestigious galleries. He was also the subject of an NHK Television Documentary in 1998 and appeared in another in 2000.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1134480 (stock #477)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A large and rare work by Sueoka Nobuhiko enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is decorated with huge magnolia flowers (in Japanese mokuren,the tree lotus) growing up one side, and hanging down the other like the traditional opposing dragons. The piece is 16 inches (40 cm) tall and in excellent condition
Nobuhiko was born in Fukuoka on Japans Main Sothern Island in 1948, and apprenticed under future Living National Treasure Fujimoto Yoshimichi in 1973. He stayed working with Yoshimichi for 16 years, before establishing his own kiln in 1989, and moving to mountainous Nagano Prefecture in 1995. Although he has been displayed at the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition) the artist has mostly eschewed the world of National competitions in favor of private exhibition, with small output works by this artist are hard to find and very much in demand.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1456896 (stock #1864)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Frills, filigrees and draperies gather pell-mell near the peak of this evocative vessel by Kawabata Kentaro enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Loco. Consistent with this artists repertoire, the varying aspects are difficult to surmise in few words, raw clay, torn, cut, molded, squeezed and decorated with color in a variety of styles. It cocks its hip to one side, striking a sassy pose. A playful work to represent the eclectic style of this young man re-shaping the ceramic landscape, and serving as a pioneering representative of a younger generation. The vessel is 38 cm (15 inches) tall, 25 cm (10 inches) diameter. Imbued with a great deal of presence, it is in excellent condition.
Kawabata Kentaro was born in Saitama in 1976, and graduated the Ceramic Department of the Tokyo Designer Institute, which he followed up with two years at the Tajimi city Pottery Design and Technical Center, graduating in 2000 with a BFA. He was immediately recognized the following year with Grand Prize at the Oribe-no-kokoro, Ceramic exhibition. Since his works have been accepted into the Asahi Togeiten ceramic Exhibition tending toward sculptural forms. He has also been exhibited in the US, Berlin, Turkey, Paris, Romania, Korea, Switzerland and many other international venues. He received the Judges Award in 2002 at the Mashiko Ceramic Exhibition and also the Kamoda Shoji Award there in 2004, and Grand Prize at the Paramita Museum Ceramic Exhibition in 2007.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1462016 (stock #1908)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A fabulous textured faceted bottle shaped vase by Sakai Hiroshi enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Ai-ji Shino Ichirin Sashi (Blue Shino Single Flower Vase). It is 16.5 cm (6-1/2 inches) tall, 11.5 cm (5 inches) diameter and in excellent condition.
Sakai Hiroshi was born in Toki City in central Mino country in 1960. He graduated the Nagoya Institute of Technology in 1983, after which he spent two years at the Tajimi City Ceramic Research Facility before apprenticing under future Living National Treasure Kato Kozo. He has been exhibited or awarded at the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogeiten), National Ceramic Art Exhibition (Nihon Togeiten), Asahi Ceramic Exhibition, as well as being exhibited internationally in Taiwan, Korea, and Italy among others. Work by the artist is held in the Italian Faenze Ceramic Museum, The Gifu Prefectural Museum of Modern Ceramic Art and Mino Ceramic Art Museum, both inTajimi as well as the Ibaraki Ceramic Art Museum among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1164504 (stock #545)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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I have long wanted to offer a significant piece by this artist, and here is a spectacular Nezumi Shino pair of vases by Wakao Toshisada enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Red tinged white waves boil over the Nezumi-gray arc of the base, a white waxing moon floating above. They measure 9 x 3-1/2 x 12-1/2 and 8-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 10-1/2 inches (23 x 9 x 32 cm and 21.5 x 9 x 27 cm) respectively and are in perfect condition.
Toshisada was born in Tajimi, Gifu prefecture, home of Mino pottery, in 1933. He was first recognized at the New Crafts exhibition of 1960, the same year he was first exhibited at the Central Japan Art Exhibition. Three years laer he made his debut at the Asahi Ceramics Exhibition, following in 1965 with the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition. In 1971 he first exhibited with the Nihon Togeiten (All Japan Ceramics Exhibition) and was awarded the following year the New Mino Artists Prize, gathering acclaim as a leader in the field. After many domestic and International exhibits, he was awarded the Kato Kohei prize in 1986. and was recipient of the prestigious Japan Ceramics Society (JCS) Award in 1989. He was named an intangible cultural asset of Tajimi city in 1995, and of Gifu Prefecture in 2003, and works by the artist are held in the Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, V&A, Freer Gallery and Sackler among many others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1378500 (stock #1220)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A spectacular Shino Vase in deep murasaki and white by Tamaoki Yasuo enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shino Henko. It is 14-3/4 inches (39 cm) tall, roughly 7-1/4 inches (18.5 cm) diameter and in excellent condition.
Tamaoki Yasuo was born in Tajimi in 1941, one of the homes of Mino ware. He began his path to professional ceramicist at the Tajimi Industrial High School, and a stint at the Gifu Ceramics Research institute, where he followed the footsteps of a number of modern ceramic artists such as Hamada Shoji and Kawai Kanjiro, who also began their careers in the same manner. He then apprenticed under Kato Kohei before establishing his own kiln. Since, his list of exhibitions and awards is too long to print, but include the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition), Best of Show twice at the Tokai Dento Kogei Ten (Tokai Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition), as well as being prized at the Asahi Togei Ten (Asahi Ceramics Exhibition), and receiving the prestigious Japan Ceramics Society Award. In 1991 he was named an intangible cultural asset of Tajimi city
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #660374 (stock #116)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A huge Yakishime vessel by modern ceramicist Mihara Ken (b. 1958) enclosed in the original signed wooden box. This piece has an almost haunting presence, the hada sandy and rough, you would think it could crumble in your hands, yet is fired so hot it rings like a bell when tapped. The dark grays and raw earth tones add to that sense of mystery, like something ancient discovered in a dark cave. The vase is 14-3/4 inches (37.5 cm) tall and 11-1/4 (28.5 cm) diameter and in perfect condition. Ken was born in Shimane prefecture in 1958, and apprenticed under Funaki Kenji at the age of 23. He has been exhibited and or prized at the All Japan Ceramic Exhibition (Nihon Togei Ten), Asahi Ceramic Exhibition, the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition (Nihon Dento Kogei Ten) as well as the Tanabe Museum Chanoyu no Zokei Ten (Modern tea forms Sculpture Exhibition). He has displayed in both Europe and America and is held in the permanent collection of the Tanabe Museum of Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art among others.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1402225 (stock #972)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Ash forms enigmatic shapes on this exquisite cocoon shaped wall vase by Yamada Jozan IV enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is 8 cm (3 inches) diameter, 6 inches(16 cm) tall and in excellent condition.
Yamada Jozan IV was born into the house of third generation Living National Treasure Yamada Minoru in 1954. He graduated the Tokoname High Ceramics Course in 1973, before entering Osaka University of art. Disappointed with the university scene he left to work under his father, creating a climbing kiln, whereupon he began working with various forms, not only the famous teapots forwhich his family was known, but also ash glazed ware such as this piece. He succeeded the family name of Jozan in 2006 upon the death of his father.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1393414 (stock #1282)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A signature work in gold Shino by Suzuki Tomio enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Yohen Kin Shino Hachi (Shimmering Altered Gold Shino Bowl). It is 10-1/2 inches (27 cm) diameter, 5 inches (13 cm) tall and in excellent condition.
Suzuki Tomio was born in 1948 in Yawata, Kyoto, and has spent his life in the perfection of Shino glazing. He did not move for independence until establishing his own kiln at the age of 40. One of his most notable advances in Shino glazing is the development of Yohen-kin or transformed gold Shino. First introduced in 2003, this type of shino is an opulent, golden glaze and has come to serve as the predecessor for a number of lustrous glazes in the artist's growing body of shino work. In 2011, his work was acquired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art for display in their East Asian Art collection and in 2012 by the University of Durham's Oriental Museum in the United Kingdom. He holds regular exhibitions across Japan at major department store galleries, including Takashimaya, Hanshin, and Mitsukoshi.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1463415 (stock #1935)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Signature Shunju colorful glaze decorates this expressive vessel by Murakoshi Takuma enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Tobe! (Fly!). The wide piece is like a bird, wings spread wide as it sets to leap for the sky. He says that he made this shape specifically in memory of his wife, who loved flowers. It is 53 cm (21 inches) wide and in perfect condition, directly from the artist.
Murakoshi Takuma is one of those enigmas who simply lives to work with clay. He does not seek to make a living through pottery, but through his primal approach has earned a following which keeps his work in high demand. He was born in Aichi prefecture in 1954 and began his stroll down the pottery path in 1980 under the tutelage of Kyoto potter Umehara Takehira. Favoring very rough Shigaraki glaze, he established his own kiln in 1997 in the Kiyomizu pottery district of Kyoto, then moved to Nagaoka in 2002. Although eschewing the world of competitive exhibitions, he has been picked up by many of Japan’s preeminent galleries, including private exhibitions at the prestigious Kuroda Toen of Tokyo’s Ginza District.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1394282 (stock #1293)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A Tenmoku Hanging vase by the living master of that genre, Kimura Morikazu, enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Tetsuyu Kohen Kake-hana-ike. The lozenge form features two lug handles in the shape of a traditional Waniguchi Japanese Shrine Gong. It is 7-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 2 inches (19 x 16.5 x 5.5 cm) nd in excellent condition, retaining the original shiori and wrapping cloth.
Kimura Morikazu was born to the house of a Kyo-yaki potter and studied under Ishiguro Munemaru, He established his first kiln in the Gojo Zaka area of Kyoto in 1947, moving to Fukui in 1976. He is held in the collection of both the Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art and the Imperial Household Agency. He has been displayed at innumerable private exhibitions in addition to major exhibitions such as the Nitten, Nihon Dento Kogeiten(National Traditional Crafts Exhibition) and Nihon Togei Ten (National Ceramics Exhibition) among others. Winner of the Japan Ceramics Society (JCS) award, purchased by the Ministry of Foreign affairs. Morikazu has been incredibly influential on the subsequent generation of potters.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1470034 (stock #MC072)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Architectural forms or perhaps the abstracted leaves of a bamboo rise from the surface of this fluting pentagonal vase by Takenaka Ko enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Hakuji Chomon Gokaku Bin (White-glazed Carved-decoration Five-sided Vase). No clue in the name, the artist has left the interpretation up to the viewer. It is 27 cm tall, 16 cm diameter and in excellent condition.
Ko (born 1941) apprenticed under future Living National Treasure Kondo Yuzo before establishing his own kiln in 1970. He was the recipient of one of Japans most prestigious awards, the JCS award (Japanese Ceramics Society) in 1980. He was designated an Intangible Cultural Property of Kyoto in 1995 (Mukei Bunkazai or prefectural Treasure). Works by this artist are held in the Victoria Albert Museum, and the British Museum as well as both the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo and Kyoto among many others. For more on this influential artist see the catalog for the exhibition “Japanese Ceramics Today: Masterpieces from the Kukichi Collection” (Smithsonian Institute) or Winter Whites: The Porcelains of Takenaka Ko, by Suzanne Mitchell, New York, 2003. Also, Contemporary Clay, Japanese Ceramics for the New Century by Joe Earle, 2005.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1414119 (stock #1405)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Fresh out of the oven, here is a delicious treat to start the new year right, a crusty dancing form by Murakoshi Takuma enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shigaraki Mimitsuki Hana-ire. Not only does the vase itself feel alive with movement, but the encrustations of ash and glossy molten ash glaze seem to be still in formation, as if it is still settling in the kiln. It is 26 cm (10 inches) tall and in perfect condition.
Murakoshi Takuma is one of those enigmas who simply lives to work with clay. He does not seek to make a living through pottery, but through his primal approach has earned a following which keeps his work in high demand. He was born in Aichi prefecture in 1954 and began his stroll down the pottery path in 1980 under the tutelage of Kyoto potter Umehara Takehira. Favoring very rough Shigaraki glaze, he established his own kiln in 1997 in the Kiyomizu pottery district of Kyoto, then moved to Nagaoka in 2002. Although eschewing the world of competitive exhibitions, he has been picked up by many of Japan’s preeminent galleries, including private exhibitions at the prestigious Kuroda Toen of Tokyo’s Ginza District.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1298600 (stock #852)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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A superb work by Japanese Living National Treasure Hara Kiyoshi enclosed in the original signed wooden box dating circa 1985. It is 14 inches (35 cm) diameter, roughly the same height and in fine condition. Due to size the cost of shipping will be accrued separately.
Hara Kiyoshi (b. 1936) was born in Shimane, and studied pottery under Living National Treasures Ishiguro Munemaru and Shimizu Uichi from 1954 before establishing his own kiln, first in Tokyo, then later in Saitama. He was first selected for exhibit at the National Traditional Crafts Exhibition in 1958. In 63 he first exhibited at the Asahi Togeiten Ceramics Exhibition. Since his work has received much attention,both within Japan and abroad in Europe, The Americas and Asia. He received the Japan Ceramic Society prize in 1975, and was named a Living National Treasure for Tetsu-yu in 2005 and is recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun.
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1438013 (stock #1630)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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My Australian friend nailed it when he looked at this Tsujimura Shiro tsubo and emphatically declared: Bro that is crusty as….
Shiro is known for his lopsided forms and ash encrustation, and this vessel does not disappoint. It is 18 cm (7 inches) diameter, roughly the same height and in excellent condition, enclosed in the original signed wooden box.
Tsujimura Shiro was born in Nara in 1947, and began his steps into the art world as an oil painter in 1965. While living at a Buddhist temple he experienced a profound connection with a Korean Tea Bowl, and began potting. He established his kiln and residence in 1970, with his first solo exhibition held in 1977. By the 1990s he had become an international star, with works exhibited in the US, UK, Germany, France and many other nations. He is highly acclaimed and somewhat reclusive, avoiding the public spectacles often needed to make one in Japan. A must have in any contemporary collection of Japanese ceramic art, work by him is held in museums throughout the globe, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, The Cleveland Museum of Art, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery at Smithsonian Institution, The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, The Spencer Museum, Ackland Art Museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, The British Museum, Stockholm Museum of Art and the Miho Museum among many others
All Items : Artists : Ceramics : Pottery : Vases : Contemporary item #1346117 (stock #1056)
Modern Japanese Ceramics
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Bidoro rain down like a glass bead curtain over the terracotta clay of this Shigaraki Tsubo by Takahashi Shunsai enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is 8-1/4 inches (20.5 cm) tall and in fine condition.
Born in 1927, the second son of renowned potter Takahashi Rakusai III in Shigaraki, Takahashi Shunsai left home to study under Taniguchi Ryosai in Kyoto before returning to Shigaraki to pursue his studies of Shigaraki styles specifically under his father and spent the better part of two decades working from that studio. He established his own kiln in 1968. He has been displayed at the Nitten, Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (National Traditional Crafts Exhibition), Nihon Togei ten (National Ceramics Exhibition), Asahi Ceramics Exhibition, as well as a long list of private exhibitions at Japan’s top galleries. He has been often prized as a master of Shigaraki, and has been designated a Shiga Prefectural Intangable Cultural Property (Treasure) in 1995.