Modern Japanese Ceramics Pottery Contemporary

By Appointment is best. You might get lucky just popping by, but a great deal of the month I am out visiting artists or scouring up new items, so days in the gallery are limited.

Masterpiece Oiwa Tomoyuki Chawan Tea Bowl

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Modern Japanese Ceramics
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23 Murasakino Monzen-cho, Kita-ward Kyoto 603-8216
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A striking vision of black blasted with ocjer glaze wrapping in rivulets around to a single beaded drop by Oiwa Tomoyuki enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled unpretentiously Chawan. It is 13.5 x 12 x 10 cm (roughly 5 x 5-1/2 x 4 inches) and in excellent condition.
Oiwa Tomoyuki was born in Hyogo prefecture in 1977, and graduated the Bizen Ceramic Center in 2004. The following year he came to study under the outsider Kakurezaki Ryuichi, where he would remain for 8 years, garnering a lifetime worth of knowledge from the master before going independent. In 2014 he built a half-submerged tunnel kiln (anagama), completing his first firing in 2015. He has since been featured widely and is known for sell out shows, especially for his sake vessels.